
Made for More

At WCC, we believe every person is gifted with unique talents by God and designed to channel his love and goodness into the world. Our volunteer teams have a wide variety of opportunities for all people to find friends, spread the love of Jesus, and live with purpose.


wc Worship

WC Worship is a community of believers who have an incredible responsibility within our church to help reveal the picture of who God is through music and technology. We strive to worship with our lives, fully surrendered to God as we lead our congregation in worshipping the One True King: Jesus Christ.


WC Kids

From welcoming children to the feet of Jesus on Sunday mornings to participating in special events like Vacation Bible School and Night in Bethlehem, WC Kids volunteers are instrumental in helping to bring up children that know Jesus loves them.

Current Volunteer Areas: Nursery, Elementary table leaders, and Pre-school leaders, 4th/5th leaders.

WC Cares

Looking after our neighbors is more than programming – it is our primary calling as followers of Christ. wcCares exists to create pathways for our church to find needs and meet them – from down the street to across the world.


Guest Services

WCC is a place to call home – and we do everything we can to make people feel like they belong here, because they do. From a friendly hello at the front doors to readily answering questions at the Connect center, it all starts with a smile.

WC Students

Be who you needed when you were younger by volunteering with our middle and high school student communities, so that students continue their walk with Jesus far beyond these years.