wc Students
about wc students
A community where students experience a relationship with Jesus and learn to embody His character.
Our Communities
678 (6th-8th grade)
678 is our student gathering for middle school involving games, teaching, group time, and more! We meet on Wednesday nights from 6-8p during the school year.
YOUTH (9th-12th grade)
YOUTH is our student gathering for high school involving games, teaching, group time, and more! We meet on Sunday nights from 6:30-8:30p during the school year.
678 • Middle School Ministry •
678 • Middle School Ministry •
Middle School Ministry (6-8th Graders)
6-8p on Wednesday nights
Middle School Small Groups
Please register for a small group below
Volunteer with WC Students
Be who you needed when you were younger.
Questions? We’re here to help.
Questions? Contact WC Students Minister, Becky Medley.