WC Kids Sunday Funday 2025 Calendar
Feb 9th - Valentine’s Sunday: Wear pink/red and have fun with it.
March 16th - BFF Sunday: Bring your best friend to church!
April 27th - Spring has sprung: Wear pastels to church.
May 18th - Superhero Sunday: Dress like your favorite Superhero
June 8th - Roundup Sunday: Let’s get ready for VBS! Dress like a cowboy/cowgirl!
July 20th - Happy Camper Sunday: Wear anything Round Lake or camping related.
August 10th - Back to School: Bring your backpack to church.
September 28th - Crazy Hair Sunday: Let’s see your best crazy hairstyles.
October 26th - Costume Sunday: Wear your Halloween costumes to church. Nothing scary or gory.
November 23rd - Thankfulness Sunday: Bring something to church that represents something/someone you are thankful for.
December 14th - Christmas ANYTHING: Create your own fun or silly Christmas outfit.