Ready, Set, MOVE!

Are your kids ready to follow Jesus here, there, and everywhere with this year’s Vacation Bible School, Ready, Set, MOVE?

This summer, we are taking kids on a journey of faith! Here is how we will be encouraging every child to follow Jesus Here, There, and Everywhere:

Do what Jesus says

Believe who Jesus is

Love because Jesus loves you

Trust that Jesus is with you

Share what Jesus did

Our VBS will look a little different this year because of the construction in the Worship Center and beyond.

Elementary kids will be in the Arena this year, while the preschoolers will be in the Venue. Due to the space limitations in the Arena, our VBS will be about half what it normally is. Volunteers get early registration, so if you want to sign up to be a VBS Crew leader, you can do so here.

As a Crew Leader, you will guide 6 preschoolers or 7 elementary-age children from station to station, where others will lead your group during the main session, games, snacks, and crafts. There is also a small group time where you will shepherd your group through provided activities and discussion materials.

VBS takes a lot of supplies! If you would like to donate, our VBS supply list can be found here: Amazon Wish List - All supplies will be shipped directly to the church.

If you would like to make a monetary donation towards the purchase of supplies, you can do it online or use an offering envelope on Sunday mornings. Make sure to note on the envelope that it’s for VBS supplies and place the envelope in the offering plate inside the Worship Center doors.

Vacation Bible School takes many hands to help set up and tear down. If this is a place you would like to serve, set up begins immediately after the second service on Sunday, June 11. You can help transform Westerville Christian Church into a fun place for kids to MOVE! for Jesus!

As soon as VBS wraps up on Friday, June 16 (approximately 9p), we will tear down all things VBS. We could use as many people as possible to get WCC back to Sunday “Ready"!

We are also planning to have several VBS workdays! This is a time we set aside for creating and painting sets and backdrops for VBS. These dates are still pending, so stay tuned! We will be making announcements on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Our VBS registration link will go live on Monday, May 8. It will be available on our WCC app and go out in an email and text message to all WCC families on this date. So be on the lookout!

We are gearing up to prepare kids to follow Jesus Here, There, and Everywhere during our VBS - Ready, Set, MOVE!


Sometimes a Tortoise, Sometimes a Hare!


Worship in the Midst of Construction